About Fast Forward Job Search


At Fast Forward Job Search, we are passionate about helping job seekers find their dream job and succeed in their careers. We have years of experience helping people of all levels and industries navigate the job search process and reach their career goals. Our goal is to empower job seekers with the knowledge and confidence they need to get the job they want and thrive in their careers. We offer job search resources, strategies, and coaching to meet job seekers' job search and career needs. Our coaching program provides a systematic and easy-to-implement approach to job searching so job seekers can increase their chances of getting hired and hired faster.



* Target Companies

* Stand Out Among Candidates and Get Job Offers

* Master Networking to Get Job Referrals

* Beat the ATS, Impress Hiring Managers, and Get Interviewed

* Search the Hidden Job Market

* Get Prepared and Become Confident in Job Interviews

* Strategically Follow-Up After Interviews


Target Companies

We help job seekers identify the companies they want to work for and develop a targeted job search strategy to increase their chances of getting hired by those companies. Job seekers learn to effectively research the company culture and values, identify key decision-makers and influencers, and create a personalized approach to networking and applying for jobs at the company. The coaching program helps job seekers gain insights on navigating the job search process effectively to increase their chances of getting hired. 

Stand Out Among Candidates

We help struggling job seekers stand out in a crowded job market by providing guidance and support, allowing job seekers to identify their strengths and unique value proposition. Job seekers learn strategies for effectively communicating this value to potential employers, increasing the chances of standing out in a competitive job market. Job seekers gain the confidence and skills needed to stand out and secure their dream job.

Master Networking to Get Job Referrals

We provide guidance on how to use networking tools and strategies proficiently. We teach job seekers how to build and maintain relationships, approach and connect with potential connections, and follow up after networking events. Job seekers learn to identify and target specific companies or industries they would like to work in and how to best reach out to and connect with decision-makers at those companies. Targeting and expanding your network increases the chances of finding job opportunities and making meaningful connections, and at Fast Forward Job Search, we help job seekers master this skill.

Beat the ATS, Impress Hiring Managers, and Get Interviewed

Our coaching program helps job seekers rank better with the ATS (applicant tracking system) and impress hiring managers to increase the chances of getting an interview and ultimately landing the job. Scoring is a critical part of the ATS, and resumes and cover letters need to include what the ATS and hiring manager are looking for to get a high ranking. We teach job seekers how to find what the ATS and hiring managers want and add that to their resumes and cover letters.

Search the Hidden Job Market

We teach job seekers how to navigate the hidden job market. The hidden job market refers to job openings not advertised publicly or posted on job boards. These openings can be filled through networking, employee referrals, or direct outreach to companies. Accessing the hidden job market can be a valuable strategy for job seekers, as it can lead to unadvertised job opportunities that may be less competitive. 

Get Prepared and Be Confident in Job Interviews

Feeling unprepared or anxious during interviews is a common concern for many job seekers. It can be intimidating to be in front of a hiring manager, trying to sell yourself and your skills. We help job seekers feel confident, prepare and understand how their responses to interview questions can align with the role they are interviewing for and respond to the interviewer's questions easily, ultimately giving them a greater chance of getting job offers.

Strategically Follow-up After Interviews

It can be frustrating and disheartening to feel like you've been "ghosted" after an interview, especially if you felt like the interview went well and you were a strong candidate for the position. Following up after an interview is essential in the job search process. We teach job seekers the best techniques for following up.


Let us help you take control of your job search and achieve your career goals.

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